Getting Started
BRYX Overview
Welcome to BRYX, your convenient, secure, and scalable
models-as-a-service platform, offering a range of models
that help you streamline your operations, optimize your
decision-making processes, promote safety, and reduce your
overall costs. Taking advantage of BRYX's power and speed,
you can easily and quickly upload and manage data, run
models, monitor model runs, and view/download model
results---all from a single location.
Key components of the BRYX platform include:
- Catalog: Our catalog lists all models (currently
available and coming soon). You can read a brief description
of the model, learn more about its use case, required inputs,
and outputs.
- Run Model Wizard: You can select a dataset for
the model, enter any necessary parameters, and start the model
- Datasets: The Datasets area allows you to create
and store a new dataset for model runs.
- Results: The Results area provides you with a list
of all model results along with the model run's status. You can
select a specific model run to view more information, or choose
to download the model results.
Using BRYX
To get started with BRYX, you should do the following:
- Upload Your Data
- Start Your Model Run
- View Your Results
Data Management
Upload Data
BRYX provides you with data management features that allow you
to easily upload and store data for your model runs. To upload
the dataset(s) that you would like to use, do the following:
- Select Datasets from the left-hand menu.
- Select the Add Data button. The following wizard
- Upload Data Step:
- Select the files to upload or drag / drop the files
into the box provided. At this point, your file(s)
will be listed.
- Click on the x icon next to the file to
remove it from your dataset.
- If you want to continue adding files to your
dataset, select Add More Files.
- Select the Next button when ready.
- Dataset Info Step:
- Enter a friendly name for your dataset in the
Dataset Name field. This field is required.
- Enter a description of the data in the Description
- If you do not want your data to be used for
retraining the model, enable the Opt out of use for
retraining option.
- Select the Next button when ready.
- Review & Add Step:
- Review the files that you have added to the
- Select the Add button when ready.
- Create Dataset Step:
- BRYX scans your dataset for malware; all files that
have passed the malware scan can be added to your
- Select the Continue button to create the
Delete Datasets
To delete existing datasets from your account, do the
- Select Datasets from the left-hand menu.
- Select the trash icon next to the dataset that you are no
longer interested in.
Note: All model run results associated with the dataset will
also be deleted.
Run Models
BRYX provides a Run Model wizard that steps you through the
process of running a model. Do the following:
- Select the Run Model button on the appropriate model
card in the Catalog.
- Select Dataset Step:
- Choose the dataset that you’d like to use for the
- If you haven't uploaded any data yet, select Add Dataset.
- Select the Next button when ready.
- Data Validation Step:
- BRYX will check to make sure the selected data is
appropriate for the model that you are running.
- Select the Next button when ready.
- Enter Parameters Step:
- Enter a name for your run in the Model Run Name
field. The name that you specify will be used to
identify the results for the model run.
- Specify/select the appropriate parameters for your
model run.
- Select the Next button when ready.
- Review & Run Step:
- Review the details of your model run.
- Select the Run Model button when ready.
View Model Results
Once your model run is complete, you can view and download
your results. Do the following:
- Select Results from the left-hand menu.
- On the Results Overview page, you can view a list of
your model runs. This list includes the following
- The name of the model run.
- The name of the model associated with that run.
- The name of the dataset that the model was run
- The status of the model run (Running,
Completed, Canceled, Error).
- The date/time that the model was started and
- Use the filter options at the top of the page to narrow
the list, if necessary. To filter results, you can:
- Enter text to filter on a model(s) name in the
- Choose one or more models from the MODEL
drop-down list to only view results of specific
- Choose one or more models from the STATUS
drop-down list to only view models with a
specific status.
- Select the model run that you are interested in
View Results Details
From the Results Overview page, select on a specific model run
to view more information about the model run, including runtime
messages, specified parameters, and output files that were
RoboFlat Results
The RoboFlat solution provides detailed reports for floor
flatness/levelness testing of concrete floors, listing pass/fail
testing status, as well as precise information on issues found
and how to remediate them. RoboFlat outputs a DXF file, which
can be imported into CAD software, as well as a PDF report for
stakeholders and an XLSX file that includes interactive charts.
In addition, heat maps and cut/fill values are provided as part
of the solution.
The Results Details page for RoboFlat lists the input file(s)
that were run.
- Click on the input file to view the output files that were
- Download the files that you are interested in, or select
the Download Report button to download all output
files in zip format.
Computer Vision Results
BRYX computer vision models output the following files:
- Annotated images: Output images are annotated with a
bounding box and label that displays the object name and
precision/recall metric for the individual detection.
- XLSX file that lists the detections found, along with
x, y coordinates of the detected object, and the
confidence levels of each detection.
To view model results, do the following:
- Select the appropriate model run from the Results
Overview page.
- On the Results Details page, the input file(s) that
were used in the model run appear. You can do the
- Select a specific input file to view the results
for that file.
- Use the filter options at the top of the page
to narrow the list, if necessary. To filter
results, you can:
- Choose one or more objects from the OBJECTS
drop-down list to view results that include
the specified object(s).
- Use the Quality / Quantity Trade-Off
Measure level slider to filter the results
that are displayed. Note that the model
run's annotated images and report will still
include any detections found using the
settings you specified as parameters for the
model run.
Note: To detect small objects in large images,
automatic tiling is performed as a preprocessing
step. For example, the output of one large input
image would be multiple, smaller images in order
to more accurately detect the objects within the
- Select the Download Output Images button
to download all output images associated with the
selected input image.
- View a summary of each object found with its
associated confidence level.
- Select the Download Report button to
access summary reports about the model run.